Work with your hands, problem solve, and play with all things on wheels as part of DCTC's transportation programs.
I find people that want to pursue a career in a mechanics field.
People who like to figure how things work.
My boss at my shop loves to figure out how things work.
I like to pull things apart, figure out what makes it run, and put it back together.
Whether you want to repair personal vehicles, work on heavy duty trucks, or service construction equipment, our hands-on programs offer you the opportunity to become a high-demand, skilled professional.
Our top-notch support services and flexible scheduling make it easier to fit college into life.
And you will make the connections to help launch your career.
I would recommend the program to anybody who's interested in cars.
This is a phenomenal program.
Real education, real results.
No matter where you are in your life, you are college material.
Apply now and jumpstart your career at DCTC.